They ask for your name and email, but do not send harassing mails. If you only need to have good previews of your RAWs by extracting nearly 2 Mpx JPEGs (~1600 px wide) from your RAW files, you should use Instant JPEG from RAW: At least with the standalone you can create a settings file and subsequently apply this to a batch of images from the command line (I don't know if there is any GUI assist for the batch processing but the command line features are very well documented). It exists as either a standalone program or Gimp plugin. But is there an easy way to convert a bunch of RAW to JPG? Again, forgive me, but I'm a complete newbie at scripting. I'm revisiting an old topic here to see if any new stuff makes this easier/faster. The image quality is set to 10 so the compression applied will be minimal.Please forgive me. The above steps will result in JPEG copies of your RAW files being saved in the output directory with the same file names and pixel dimensions as the original RAW files. Click the Execute button at the bottom to perform the batch conversion.In the next section down "File name" click "Current file name", and delete any text in the "String" text box.In the next section down "Resize setting" ensure that the "Resize" tick box does not have a tick in it.

Ensure that the "Embed ICC profile" tick box has a tick in it. In the next section down "Output setting" type "300" into the "Output resolution" text box.Drag the "Image quality" slider slider all the way to the right (10). In the next section down "File format" select "Exif-JPEG" from the "Kind of file" drop down.The "Browse For Folder" window will open, click the desired output folder to select it then click the "OK" button.